We Are Meant to Love People

Here is an amazing quote by Jay Shetty, one of my favorite authors, "We are meant to love people and use things but today we use people and love things," is a profound statement about the state of modern society and the human condition. At its core, this quote is a reminder that our relationships with other people are what truly matter in life, and that our focus on material possessions and achievements can often come at a great cost.


In our consumer-driven culture, it can be easy to get caught up in the pursuit of wealth, success, and material possessions. We are bombarded with messages telling us that we need the latest gadgets, designer clothes, and luxurious homes in order to be happy and fulfilled. This constant pressure to acquire more can lead us to place too much emphasis on our possessions, and to lose sight of the importance of our relationships with others.


Jay Shetty's quote encourages us to put people first, and to use our material possessions in service of our relationships with others. When we prioritize our connections with the people in our lives, we create a sense of community, belonging, and purpose that is essential for our mental health and well-being. By loving and supporting others, we can experience greater fulfillment, joy, and meaning in our lives.


The second part of the quote, "but today we use people and love things," speaks to the ways in which our modern society has become increasingly disconnected and individualistic. We often treat other people as means to an end, rather than as valuable individuals in their own right. We may use our relationships with others to advance our own goals, rather than seeking to understand and support them in their own journey.


Ultimately, the message of Jay Shetty's quote is a powerful one: that in order to live a meaningful and fulfilling life, we must prioritize our relationships with others above our material possessions and achievements. By doing so, we can create a more compassionate and connected world, and experience a greater sense of purpose, happiness, and well-being in our own lives.



Dont Hold Back
