I’m Sorry Drew

I want to begin this letter by expressing my sincerest apologies for being so hard on you lately. I've noticed that I haven't been treating you with the kindness, compassion, and love that you truly deserve. I understand now that this self-criticism has been taking a toll on your mental and emotional well-being, and for that, I am truly sorry.


Life can be challenging at times, and it's easy to fall into the trap of self-judgment and self-doubt. But please remember that you are human, and it is natural to make mistakes, to have flaws, and to experience ups and downs. You don't have to be perfect to be worthy of love and acceptance.


You are an incredible person with so much to offer the world. Your unique qualities, talents, and perspectives are what make you special and irreplaceable. It's time for me to recognize and celebrate these aspects of yourself instead of constantly focusing on perceived shortcomings.


I am sorry for the negative thoughts and self-deprecating comments that I have allowed to consume your mind. From this moment forward, I promise to challenge those self-defeating beliefs and replace them with thoughts of kindness, self-compassion, and self-love. I will remind you of your strengths, your achievements, and your capacity for growth.


I understand that learning to love yourself fully is a journey, and it may take time. But please know that you are worthy of love and deserving of happiness, just as you are right now. You deserve to treat yourself with the same kindness, patience, and understanding that you extend to others.


Let's embark on this journey together, hand in hand. Let's practice self-care, self-acceptance, and self-forgiveness. Let's prioritize your well-being and nurture your mind, body, and spirit. Let's celebrate your successes, no matter how small they may seem, and learn from your mistakes without dwelling on them.


Remember, you are enough. You are worthy. You are deserving of love and happiness. And I am committed to helping you see and believe this every single day.



Be patient


Don’e Be to Hard On Yourself